saturday night out @airport
we were supposed to meet at city hall
but decided to change venue so as to meet ber
who was planning to study at the airport
meeting time : 6pm
reaching time: near 7pm
cuz mag was a dumbass that forgot to bring her wallet in her rush to get out
wilson n fabian were there already
and wilson was fuming
waited sum more for everyone to appear
ber nv pick up my call
omnious feeling
dom franz choo came
was deciding where to eat
dom called ber
and she jus woke up
decided to walk arnd to find a place to eat
choo decided to become a luggage
forced them to take the pic much to the embrassement of choo
wanted to try out TSC
but was met with objections
mainly wilson
walked back to swenson which was freaking crowded
we finally settled for fish & co
but it was packed too
so had to wait
mel finally came
after being a little lost
waited sum more finally got in
after alot of time spent looking at the menue
orders were place
me mel franz headed out to visit the atm
me mel franz
super like snapping pictures out of no where
by the time we got back some of the food already came
waited a while and the platter for 2 came
shared it with franz
dinner was super filling
but good
talked craped laughed
ber finally arrived
we were already finishing
wanted to find a place to chill and have dessert
but mel had to leave early
so we decided to take a grp pic
which turned out super bright
but it was a cool effect
gal's pic
we all agreed it looked good
walked a while
had sum fun guessing wat countries at the notice board
as they were updating it
entertainment for the ppl arnd us
settled at gloria jeans to chill and chat
the norturnal cat that always sleeps
ber was entertaining us with her antics at school
ber super looks like a malay gal here
and since she can memorise the malay warning that is used at mrt stations
she was super convincing
we laughed our asses off
disrupting the peace
as usual
she caused more to try it out too
damn funny cuz choo ended up looking nothing like ber
but like an eskimo instead
comment by franz i think

and franz looks like an alien!
freaking funny
as usual we talked alot
enjoyed coffee and the company
more pictures were taken
ber n franz
and it sparked off a frenzy of cam whoring
the gals had alot of fun snapping away
ber abit salah
everyone smiley den she looks like she wants to kill sumone
but i like!
more and more were taken
on dom's phone
sumthing we nv fail to do on outings

one finger
with choo blurred

another attempt but choo was blurred again
so we concluded that choo not fated to take pictures

no choo = no blur pics
theory proven correct
fabian was quite horrified at the number of pictures we were taking
but we couldn't stop

kisses for u?
really love being with them
cuz can jus relax and be myself
there's more prove that choo is a little slow and of diff freq frm us

both of us had our tongues out
but she didn't
den the very next pic

we both didn't stick out tongues out and she did
damn funny
we laughed till we peng

the guys were not spared frm the picture taking!
but they look so much less enthu abt it
franz and fabian
dunno who came out with the idea of pointing at them
much to the amusement of the gals

these 2 were mostly in their own world
dunno gossipping abt wat lo
take pic still mus pose
it was getting late
and we didn't want to take cab
so we hurried off to the mrt station
ber is super funny
was supposed to stay and study
but seeing us go off
she was sian-ed and also left
we managed to get onto the last train back to tanah merah
only 4 of us took train
ber's dad picked her up
fabian took bus
and wil went off to meet sumone else
grp pic on train
franz took a few failed attempts
finally gave up trying
so i took the pic
reached home arnd 12
was tired
but happy
oh yes
we made plans to meet up next week to watch step up 2
i can't wait
oh yes
i love this sweet
given at the end of the meal at fish & co
its simply good and its cute too
love love love the sweet
this post took super long to upload
had to upload pic by pic can?!
dunno wad's wrong with blogger
but patience is a virtue rite?
love my phone
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