looking to the future
went back to school todayafter so longi miss the school=Dalumni prachmmmm...so long never touch instru lethink playing skills haf gone down the drain=(spent the rest of the day at homehmmmmhaven spent much time at home recentlygoing out like dailyNEED a jobhahayepshall start looking asaphope to find one soon=)oh yeshappy newsfixed my desktopand nothing got wiped outyayall my pics are safe!!=Dsuper happy lahehei hope tml is funjust pure FUNhahahai seriously can't wait layep hooked on itand it seems to surprise ppllalalai dun wan to believei hope its not truelooking forward to tmlfor many many reasonstodayi noticed the vast differencesthe past n the presenthais...i mourn for the loss
the rain is backit rained the entire day yesthad a wonderful lunch with bro,sis n dadat fish & co.super full=Drushed off to meet melwas earlyhahavery long never early lewaiting for mel was quite amusingpeople watchinghahawent off shopping with melhereen den wismawent off to taka to meet bershopped at far eastsaw many many thingshahahais...brokeafter many shopswe finally went to eathahadinner was nicehaha=)todayhad lunch with bro n sisden followed sis to the doctor'sits confirmedsis has chicken poxbro went to get vaccinatedhope i dun tiohad it b4 but was a mild case=sden followed bro to bedokto post his letter to ukdid houseworkwatched tvstonehahai dun really wanna care le laif it happens den it doeswhy bother when so many things always crops upsumtimes i feel like all efforts go to wastedun even noe if it is appreciatedso manybe it seems tt its a selfish actbut i can't help but thinkif it weren't for itno one would haf bothered ritehais...so nowits just wait n seeit rainsthe skies remain greyeverything seems dimmer
merry christmas to all!!
its amazing how time fliesits christmas againbest wishes to all my dear frens out theremay all ur wishes come truemay ur new year ahead be blessed with love n happiness=Dits nearing the end of the year lea few more days to goamazing how time flieshmmm....i guess this blog is abt a year old?haha..year 2006 was a.....eventful yearpainful yearstressful yearconfusing yearso many things occuredbut i guessi'll never exchange this year for anythingcuz i think i've gained much much morefriendships n life lessonsi'll always treasure everything abt this year=Dsince its nearing the end of one yeari'll look towards the nextand try not to think abt the failures of the pasta rather ordinary christmasspent with my family=)my mindhas a mind of its ownhais
cold cold day
stayed home todaysuper bored lacold n rainyi can't wait for another night outwith the babeswed night was fun fun funthough i learnt my lessonone hr sleep is not enough to survive the entire dayhahas04who's free for count down party?!i'm like that de lohais...think its time to reflectsometimeswords hurt more then swordsmany lessons to be learnt...
jc bandfest 2006 came to a resounding close
last night
at esplanade
i dun regret joining as chaperon
its been so fun
tiring yes
but the memories i gain
it was worth it
and yes
Bizet band rocks

ta-dah my pretty blue toes!
it KEEPS rainingnon-stopand its irritating!!cuz everytime there's a need to go outit starts POURING=(so its just wet wet wetbandfest day 2just endeddetails later latiredmass conferenceFUNNYguess who was thereMR TANdue to the section 4 thinghalf the time i just tried to control my laughterthere's mel.ber.choo.clarie.me=)rain rain rainlike the cool feelingsuddenly remembered the cold jokes in TR27haha=)sometimesi just hate my life
so yesterday was day 0hahawas surprisingly early sat at the bus stop across vjfor a while b4 making my way to vjguess most were going to be latefunny realisationall tpjcianshahanot many instru to movesat on the lorry to the long journeyinteresting experience!!hahayepi agree with lynn!!the lorry rocks=Dlunch was interesting i guess?hahapacking of shirtsbriefinggames briefingslackingoh yessujin popped inmore slackingpicture takingden went offhome!!!today was spent at homehad a GREAT dinnersaefood=Di love love love seafood!!rainy daylove the weatherone week to christmasyay!!=Dgot to get stuffbusy week aheadi'm thinkingwhether i should or nothais...i guess it depends whether i haf timeand yesall the other factorsshould i go through all the trouble?
think both me n mel is mad latalked til late late late againhahanear 3 am againsumhow or othermy mum woke up n started nagginghaisthusthe entire day of horrorsmum was nagging the ENTIRE dayand i happen to be the freaking targethais...so freaking frustratingcan just die frm itwas trying to control myselfor else would haf just screamed at her lahais....torturepure torture=(slept in the afternoonbut ended up getting screamed atlike wad the.....damn irritatedhaisguess both me n sis breathed a sigh of reliefwhen she went outdays at homeare a horrorwhen mum is in that moodthanks mel for being theresmsing me=)tml's going to be a busy dayband fest is starting!!so funhaha=)christmas is comingyayi really hope everything works outya..maybe its surprising tt i like it so muchbut i doits an addictionthe thrill haha=Dmission accomplished!!the pic's on the hottest listand its slowly climbing up the listwahahaha
slept only nearing 3am lawas talking to mel on the phonecongrats to mellearnt how to change the language of her laptopwahahaha=Dcouldn't wake up lakept going back to sleephence only dragged myself out of bed at 11pmafter rushing as much as i couldi only got to the mrt station nearing 12the time i was to meet the resknowing the classonly poor dear mel was therehahatypicalreached city hallswitched trains to somersetwent to find mel & clariewalked arnda surprisingly empty hereenwaited n waitedfinally feng camewent off to lunchtried the wanton noodles therenot badgo tryhahawalked arnd a littlesent feng off to her workhahafirst time go centrepointgap is in such a ulu area lahahayesskids section has nice clotheshahaber finally camewent all the way back to hereenlooked at stuff\pei her eatden we decided to go to far eastvisit reagan!!!hahahad quite a hard time looking for the placemanhe's hair is cool!!haha=Dlooks so pro!!jia you jia you!!went off soon afteroff to lidogot to drink bb teasadlyno mini pearl=(had a great gossip session with the babeshahalots to talk abtsaw nutty!!!she popped out of no whereso funny!!!talked n talkedwent off to borders for a bday cardme n ber went to vivosaid bye to clarie n melwent to meet choolucky gal got job lehahasaw woan rong at candy empirepoor girlfriend is sickmiss her tons!!!=)great dinner at carl's junior=Dshopping!!man i hate being brokesaw nice nice topssoon!!!!hahawalked arnd lots n lotsfreezingwent home with beroh yeson the way backmet fang xian!!!so funny latio shockokok!!!section outing soon!!on the way backtalked on the train=Dwonderful day=plet's hope the plans work out!!!!!!!!!!yay!!addiction
was woken up by callsthe day i left my phone onsomeone has to call in the morngreat?!talked to choo in super sleepy modeand just as i hung up with herall ready to go back to my dreamwhich frm wad i rememberedis super interestingmel calls=shahamorning chat with hermuch to talk abt i thinkhahatalked over an hourden both of us went of to do thingsden a short call againhahathink its kinda crazy the way we kept calling each otherthe three of usfinally had a convoafter ttcontinued with choo..yes yesi love talking on the phone=Dthe rest of the time was spent with the tv, com ,books & hphahahad dinner with can canbeen a while since i ate so muchwent her house to slackcaught the last episode of a drama serialden slacked in her roomhahathe walk home was chillylightning kept flashing la=(off to bed legoing out tmlyay!!words left unspoken..things left uwritten..they will remain that waylive & let livetake care
i HATE blistersthey hurt like shitarghMEL's BACK!!!!!!!yay!!!mission : make a certain pic on photoshare the hottest
to my class
the shared memories
the neoprints

the outings

the random things

though our journey together
have come to an end
there will always be
only one
i wish u enough
had a great time at band chaletnice foodthanks to juniorsgood companymore j2s today lashimin cheat my feelingshahaand nicer showseg : so u think u can dance etchaharather funny how the three of us screamed like madand scared bertram out of the roomhaha=pbut its so unfair!!!even if it is for a showended up going home late againlike AGAINhahafinally got to see amandamissed her tons=Dand yesdo not underestimate ppl wahahaMEL'S COMING BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!miss miss miss herlalala=Da little sumthing i got frm an email:I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting. I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
sat n sunwahahahahahahad tons of fun=Dhad a great timethat isafter we got in lato cut the long story shorteveryone was lateme n choo reached firstthe queue was horridso freaking longand it just kept getting longer n longerslowly the rest cameokwait was long n hotand the queue seems like it never movesfinallywe gave up and cut queueden sumhow or another we got in free lawith lots of help frm othersyepthat's the way u play the game=Dthe moment we were init was dance dance dancefreaking funlove itoh yestried tequilasalty?and a whole lot of others lahahayepdance dance danced the night awayhmmmlet me thinkfrm 12 plus till 5 plus?yep =Dthe ppl thereber.elvin.clarie.choo.feng.jason.audrey.alicia.amanda.soonying(?)yep..hope i got the names ritesome left earlyend up with 7 of usber.elvin.clarie.choo.jason.audrey.medance dance dancewe sat out the last song saw some familiar faces there*winks*yepquite surprising thoughand yesas can be predictedmy feet was KILLING meby the time we cleared out 'take a step at a time' mantra for the nightor rather morninghahawe stumbled our way to macstired like madate a little n slacked till abt 7 pluscabs were scarceso the 3 gals looked like lost soulswith no where to goso tired tt we ended up sitting by the road sideno cars anywayshahafinally got in a cabhome sweet homemanmy clothes stank lalike real REAL badbathedand collasped on bed arnd 8 plustotal knockoutdidn't wake up till my mum waked me like 11 pluswent right back to sleep until abt 630pmand poor e.t. was just abt to kill me for not replying herrahter funny to hear her shocked voicewhen i called to tell her i just woke upanywaygot out of bedand went out to meet e.t.off to band chaletturnout was rather...but it was still ok laheard more turning up today(mon)it has yet been confirmed if we are going thoughi miss amanda....=(gahmy feet still hurtblisters everywhereTHREE blisters on ONE toethat's the worst laoh wellsguess i'm not going anywhere for a while=Di guess i'm glad i went on satcuz it made me forget things=)thanks e.t. for listening to me talk craplending me a ear when i need it la*muacks*did i sayi MISS s04?yepi miss them tonsloving my blue toenails=D
why am i always faced with conflicting feelings?looking forward to tonightbut at the same timei dun really wan to gotorn into a million pieceswhy must it always happen to mesumtimes its just better to remain clueless
a simple update
thursafter days of staying homefianlly got the chance to get outthe daywas spent mostly travelling arndwaited for choo in the mornden we went to orchardfilled up formsyephope for the best!!den went on a series of hopping from place to placefollow her to interveiwsyeprather funny day lalesson learnt:charge phone!!!!!!!!saw a few pplclassmates frm tkgs nic n bee=Dand danielhahayep yepafter much travellingwe finally settled down at gloria jeanat raffles cityfor some well deserved coffeeam thankful tt i'm still considered student laor else the travelling will kill mehahawe did a little window shoppingsaw many nice stuffden went homedropped by can's house to get stuffthat gal ah...went home for a short timeden off to can's housesend her offat airportso many unfamiliar facesgoshlost touch with them leold le.....ms sia is still as cute as everhahayepdinner at macswith can n yanatalked to juniorsgoshthey are so blurhence i became temp keeper of the section's valve oilafter a long long whilei went off as they were readying to go inlaughed my head off with ms sia la=pmiss the airport!caught the last train backtraumatized on the way backhais...freaky=Stodayrushed out of house with broto meet dad n sisyes yesbeing the youngest got blamed for being latedumbass!!hahaoh wellswonderful lunch at raffles hotelwhich cost a bombbut i guess its worth the money laloved the chocs=)after ttdad went back to workn the three of us staggered our wayto the national libmy first time thereyes yessuper slownice niceborrowed booksbro went offread sum moreden went off to bugisheh hehgot my electric blue nail polishloves the colour=Dgot treated coffee at han'shahafinally headed back hometiredbut it was a nice dayhate ppl who do not reply to smsesdun like being the dumb dumb that waits expectantly for replieshaissuch a waste of my time to even bother lehais...
more pics
after a levels
@ vivo
pretty coffee
the snowman =D
the gals there...

the sea veiw

frm the living rm window of the rm 526

part of the bedroom.. love love the view
the pool?
reason to sleep in the bathroom
wish i could wake up to such a veiw every morn
lights in ballroom
after prelims
pigging out at sakae!!

the foodies..
clarie's bday

clarie's 18th bday prezzies.. =D
pretty mummy

we love chem!!!
grad day

my darlings
the love

the fun n crap n stonning
advert at airport!!
aches n cramps
satmet up with lynnrotted our way to boon layhad to make a stop off at jurong east?yepmet kian hong at the mrtapprently we took the same train?bus to nierelatively early for meetingoh yesdaniel n jia hui is helping out too!!meeting went well?yepended soon went off for lunch as a bunche.t. had to decide where thoughhahakfctalked.chatted.atewent offshopping with mohli n lynnheaded to city hall firststopped at raffles city den city lin n finally marina sqheaded to town with mohli for more shoppingwalked lots of placesparted ways at arnd 7 pluswent offwaited for franz at bugisheadache was killing me=xwent to meet elvin to get his bagden dinner at parkwaysaw my ex-colleguehe wanted to play poolbut it was too freaking packed everywhereended up walking arndhad a mass convo with mel.ber.elvinabt the racetalked lotsfreaking out lots toofinally headed homeslept arnd 1 plussunwoke up at 4 tiredgot ready n packedleft the house mum was nice n walked me out lasince it was so darkcabbed to town areaso many roads closed tt i was dropped off quite farwalked to met the restguys were all thereon timebut all gals latehaha!!anywaywe had to wait very long for chooso by the time we got therewe were freaking latethe 8 of usber.elvin.choo.jason.feng.mel.franz.mestarted the marathon 1 n 1/2 hrs later den the packlet's just saywe went through torture mannever ever will do this againwithout proper trainingand yesit rained at least twiceso yepbut at least the weather was goodanywaysi never could have completed this marathon without my lovely darlings tt were with me all the timethreatening to kill me if i gave upso special thanks to themu noe who u are*muacks*anywaywe ended together elvin.ber.me.choo.feng.mel.franz
thats how we stood as we pass the finishing line together
=Dwith aches.cramps.and many injuriesbut hey!we finished k??i guess this is one race i n maybe all of uswill never forgetfinally went to haf a good mealat subwaytalked and all cabbed homearghthe freaking ucle cheat my money la!!!bish!!!reached home bathed n collasped on bedmuscle aches everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can't move properlysome parts of feet is swollen=(guess i'm going to stay home at least until everything gets better
muahahahaha..medal=Doh yesliking the song梁山伯与朱丽叶