busy week
monhad schoolwhich is ultimate sian nessi miss my free mondaysanywaysteacher was feeling all too well so he ended the lect super earlywhich was both good n badwas supposed to haf dinner with the tkgs sectionbut ended up i think no one plannedlike yaso i ended up not being able to go for dance headed home earlytuessoci is somewhat more understandablelolafter classwent to calista's house to make han yun prezziewhich made me cali n huiying quite crazylolwere super late for mgbut at least i got to see the bash videowhooafter ttdinner at nydc sunteccelebrate han yun birthdayafter ttheaded to darren's house to collect the cakeslacked anrd for a while12 plusheaded to tampryan cheat my feelings!!!bluff me sae tuixin left already*bish*darren called wendy down to join us as we were like meeting super near her househeaded to han yun's gran'shse areasuper funny how they got her to come downhahahaanywaysang songgave her cakeand the prezzieoh yes!first time ever got 4 cars during outinggals all commented how it seems like a wedding cuz got so many carslolheaded to paris ris parkwanted to go fishermans' village for a drink but it closed downwat luckdecided to head to changi villagelolinteresting things gg on therelolit was super late by the time we left3 am le i thinkreached home arnd 330 plus i thinkdieswedout with cancanshe was super surprised i can wake upcuz she saw my last sms to herhahaanywayshe commented i was weirdbut i seriously think she was the weird one that daylolthough i did stone here n therei found the tofuman toywan to get ityawhen i find a nice onelunch at sakae sushi buffetfull to the maxlolrained like mad tooa little sianeddun really like being in towm whem it rainshmmmsaw another pair of jeans i wanna getbut i'm broke!!!=(thurslong day againdriving in the morn was okexcept i was caught in a jamlike yucks lawaited so longbut alright lagot to drive more placeslalalaheaded to the lib to return books n get moreheaded to schooli think i screwed up my econs testhaisibm was alrightjus no mood bawas zoning out alotheaded for dance after classlike the songmuahahahadinner at ljshomefrislacked the entire day awayden headed to meet the gangwas late for like 1/2 hroopschit chat with mel n choowalked arnd a little den clarie camedom n franz came almost TWO hours latekowtowsdinner at asian kitchen(i think)not badgave dom the cakewhich was squashedber came after we had dinnerben & jerry's ice cream gloria jeans coffeenon stop talkingn laughter=)went mad playing with dom's phonemutli shotwe love to cam whore=Dhad lots of funlove themsatstone at homeslack slack slackmy hobby=)tml got dance den SCHOOLlike wad the hellon a sun lamake up classmadness3 1/2 hr of lecturediespictures
manda.huiying.me.cali in darren's car
birthday gal n her cake
the gals n bday gal

the guys n bday gal

sushi buffet.. nice colours!
fireworks @vivo

vivo's 1st year anni i think
@gloria jeans

miss them

super white
dom always like to act dao in pictures!
mutli shot pic 1
i think this was pic 5 or 6
muahahahaha... nice effects no?
sad news
on frithere was shocking news of the 5 missing national team dragon boaterstodayit was confirmed tragic news of their deathcondolences to all their family n friendsgrief is something too personal to share
sleepy weekend
thurslong long long dayhad driving early in the mornwith a new instructor this timegoshhe seriously goes on and on labut i learnt impt stufflolit went wellthink i stalled like twoice onliyay for meafter ttrushed to bedokwent in search of a liang teh shopto buy for aliciawho sounded super horrible on the phonegot breakfast at bkwent to mrt to wait for alicia to comewahshe totally no voice lapoor dearclass was alrightsi was a dumb ass that forgot to bring all my econs noteslucky he didn't cover much frm those pages i didn't bringand phew!he forgot he told us got test todayended up he push to next weekrushed for edi meetingandi got a super big shirt for src shirtoh wellshmmm...am doing coverage for bash/pageanthmmm..ibm was alrightsbut i was hungry lahaven haf anything since the mornhaisalicia phone got prob latired tiredheaded to boon lay to meet franzhe was latelucky haf my book n ipod with medinner at mos burgerlolwalked arnddessert at swensons!!!!!!i got to eat wat i really wanted to tryyay!!and it was goood too=Dwalked arnd a little more b4 i headed hometiredtodaywoke up latedidn't do muchrestlessslept sum more in the afternoonloli super lack sleep i thinkmy biological clock is wrongarghhope i can get some things done later*fingers crossed*muahahahahai saw this super cute cat on a blogsuper super super cutehahapictures

fried mushrooms =D
in the middle of jp... franz was commenting on tt when it was taken hence his face
take 2
boon lay always gives me a feeling that its a entirely separate entity frm the world
cute eh?? lol.. wrapped up cow...
stayed home todaydoing ibmya i noe i dragged it for super longlolscrewed for econs tml btwhahadriving early morn tmlso gg to bed soontml's a long daysometimes i seriously wonder wad's up with u
life goes on
dinner with cancan at CA... big vs small drinkin the end still didn't get to eat wat i craved
me n franz walking to the nel station at outram.. i look horrible
me mel suiyingoutside the dance studio gg mad
new week
rainy rainy day so nice to stay at homebuthaf to go school latersad sad=(it rained yesterday tooback ache a littlehaishaf work to completewas real lazy to do much during the weekendlol
weddriving lesson was funwas late as usualgot my first instructorhad fun la!but got bullied on the roadlike damn!lolmet up with alicia got my shoes!happybut think alicia was happiershe got 2 pairslolfound this fab place to eat at simeieighteen chefs at eastpointfood's good and cheap toolove the browniegreat place!thurslate for econs!!!
lolsuper pai sei to enter lateden ibmhe let us off on time!=Dkinda rushed to simeigot to go for dance!cool!but couldn't really catcha little sadhad a little food near the mrt therewhere mel went madandi met JOCELYN!!!!!!
like so super coincidental!!! miss my toliet n slacking buddy!headed home dame tiredslept latetodaymet up with mao mao to studymy nose caused me so much troublethink someone out there hates me tonssneezed like a mil timesended up needing so much tissue i got 48 packets of themLOL!
went to buy the entire super value pack or wat not lahilarious laasyraf came to find uscontinued to study and wait for mel to appearwhich took a very long timeafter she camewent to meet franz at city halldinner at carls junior love!dom cameheaded to once fave placeclarke quaywilson met uswalked to plushsend mel thereden headed homelola little bo liao lasquashed on trainhome sweet home=)in love with songs=pstill thinking if i should go tmltired
adding colour
went to school early to finish up the presentation
which i think went ok?
could see all the blur faces of the ppl
after that
nice la
sherwin den sent me n mel to paya lebar
headed to dance clas
a little can't catch carol's dance
byran's lesson was nice!
super tired now
tml got driving!
though dun really feel like gg out tml
cuz no sch ma
gg to bed le
pictures from a while ago!!
mummy n sister at new york new york
food we ordered!

sis n her candy floss!

huge things transported on extra long lorries with police to clear the way
up close to the huge things.. wonder wat they are..
blur mao mao
its so easy to hate
headed to school early with aliciato finish up the projectmet up mel n cheehui n got startedbut we got distracted alot by many thingslolhope everything goes well tml denstats class was freezing coldwanted to dieafter ttheaded home with hanyun liping clarie n frenstiredit jus way too easy to hateand jus the opposite to lovethey sae that there is a very fine line btw love n hateand i so believe its true as one can jus change into the other in an blink of the eyesumtimes u jus make me want to hate u so bad
losing touch with the world
nicest weather to sleep inbut had to go out to do the soci presentationwaited for ppl to come at somerset mrtwent to centrepoint macsate den started to doargh!super irritating to do ladunno wat to put on the slides=(mon we will continue to doheaded home after getting pop dough=Dpast few days have been staying at homehardly go anywhere besides schoolfeel like i losing touch with the worldhais
sleep is sumthing i crave
today no schoolcuz its deepavali!but also due to this very reasoni had to go for make up lect on wed NIGHTlike 7-10pmlike sumone pls kill mesuper lost sumhow=(headed homewoke up late todaybut still felt super tiredsleepi need more!lolno school tml tooo!!!i'm a happy galarghtried to research on the soci thingbut i seriously dun get itdiesi'm craving food!!!lol
argh.... tired
super tired nowhad socii seriously dun like her style of teachingbut argh... nth i can doafter lessonslacked arnd the atriumseeing the stompaids campaignnot bad lafinally had lunch after so super longhungry laheaded to rafflesreached earlyoh yesdidn't get to go carol's class cux too full leanywaydance class was like ...super lost here n theregot a video!lolheaded homei had enough of being the chu qi tong i had enough of being clumped into catergories tt i dun think i belong toi had enough of it allhais
monday blues
starting to haf school on monsad-edbut at least share class with hanyun n elias n lipingfunny thing lano notes can?den the teacher jus rambled onAND he let us off 1/2 hr earlyheaded to raffles city soup spoon!!love lovetalked abt lots of stufffrm pri school to sec sch to jc and allgot me remembering abt stuff hais
its the weekend!
let's backtrack a little ya?
thursme n alicia were late for lectdieslolecons was alrights laneed to go study!after ttheaded for ibmhahasumhow i like my handwriting tt dayi think ttwhen ppl are tiredeasily irritableafter ttwent to tm!met up with franz.mel.dom!!!!sorry to late thoughdinner at ajisencam-whoring session with dom's phonelove to play with the functionsloltalk laugh crapwas supposed to head homebut me n alicia had this cravinglolmacs icecream!heheafter that we talked sum more near the stationsaw one of our ibm class galthe world is super smallcuz she turned out to stay a few blocks frm alicia
frispent the entire day at homewith my mum nagging at me=(dinner at new york new york!family plus bro's gfsis was super pissed with the serviceyeahi love the mushroom soup!candy floss madness canlolthink i will fail as a candy floss makera little shoppingoooosaw some books i wan to read!hahatodaythe family lunch kena cancelledsad-ed lathere goes my jap buffethaiswas looking forward for it la=(stayed home n tried to studydance tml!think i will be helping out in this year's bandfest!=Dthursday night love
we all look happy!
love love

having lots of fun with dom's phone


white rocks no?

while waiting for food!