mourning for my hair
tueshad maths mock paperit was alrightbut need to buck up lacuz think this paper can scoremust score!!!! came to find usfinally see her after so longwahahafunnie gal la she nv come for papershmmmm...lunch at ngee ann alumni housewanted to studybut had super hard time trying to find a place to studyeverywhere was packedsuper sian edended up gg to jurong east lib with bobby terence and meldidn't study muchread comics canlolheaded off for danceat simeididn't go the raffles onecuz the rest couldn't booksuper sadbut the yutaki class was fun tooolike his dance=)had mass dinner at ljs with everyonea firsthahait was funheaded homeslept super earlywas super happy no need to wake up early for the weekwedslept inhad lunch with sisdidn't do much jus wanted to slackhahamag cannot likdatbut who caresnight was filled with talking on the phoneshit happensdunno why there are such ppl in this worldhorrible asses that should be shotmake my frens sadbloody buggersargh!ended up slept latethurswent out in the afternoon to meet alicia cut hairreached arnd 2 pluswent to national libread books and borrowed morewahahhaai found more books for the series i'm currently in love withmuahahamag's a book wormmet up with alicia near 4went to get muchies headed to chapter 2talked outside for a whilehahascared to go in bahmmmsumtimes i hate haircuts cankeep telling me how i should do this use that change this blah blahhaisended up spending a bomb there$$ flythink now i look super weirdam currently mourning the loss of my hairhais=(i should go sleepand must study tml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
m.i.a jojo!!!!after maths paper
super cute jugs thingys they serve at the alumni cafe
lo and behold... the reading room.... love the concept ya?
send back into the past when reading this comic..
kickass car i saw when i had lunch with sis on wed
fun with can's sun glasses
trying my best to smile with the new haircut
someone's very happy with her haircut..
i hate ppl that make my frens sadall buggerslike wad the hell do they think they are loirritatingif they were in front of meslap the persons laidiot!
frihad the last of the last lecturesbefore the prelimsecons lectafter tt we had lunchheaded to ngee ann to studywas with mel alicia & bangstudied at this study room nice lastudying was alrite?although i think i haf no fate with tea hahaall the tea i bought frm the vending mashine taste weirdor instead is coffee=(took a break with aliciaat this super nice lounge they had therecoolstalkedheaded hm arnd 6 plusermnot directly homewas bluffed into taking 74 to hg with themalmost died on the bus ridebutt rot lethink we were stuck on the bus for like 1 1/2 hr lanon air-conditioned bus too=(after we finallyh reached hgwent to hg mall with alicia to get stuff she wantedheaded home on 54super sick of taking bus by then=(got hm 9 plusate dinnerlast min muggingsatheaded to school with alicia n stanleytried to study morehahafunny thing happenedthe hall was fullso ended up in a lecture hall to take the paperwhich was super screwedthisis wad iget for not studying much of micro=(after paperheaded to ngee ann to eat lunchmel me aliciathe food there is cheap and not badgot to eat the dessert i cravedwhootswas practically dozing off when talking or rather mumbling to aliciawhile we waited for mel to talk to her og matescouldn't decide where to goafter a long whileand me getting super sian n tiredfinally decided to to find choo with melin dobyno luck with 74 againon another non air con busand later discovered there was an air con bus behind the bus we were in=(reached ps and called choosaid she'll be there in 10 mnBUT she came like abt 1/2 hr latermel was itching to chopand mag was dying to sleepsettled down in aji tehfor sum food and dessert=)talked craplaugh like madwalked arnd a littlechoo went to get her contactswhen heading hmwe walked pass carl's juniorCRASHturn to lookand saw hanyun!in her excitment think she jumped up and her chair fellwahsuper funny laeveryone looking canbut she's jus so cutesmall world lasee each other theretalk a bitden headed off againonly to bump into evelynwahahahame n choo headed off while mel went to walk a little with evelyntiredsunnever go dancestayed hometried to study ibmmonreally dun wan to go for ibm latiredthink i'm starting to look really really horrible with super big dark eye ringspanda le ibmwrite until hand painsupposed to answer 4 questionsi did 2 & 1/2and wrote 12 pages alreadygood luck sialunch with og at ngee annheaded hometried to study mathsfinally satisfied my craving for hokkien mee and bbq chicken wingslovei still hate mathsarghNEED SLEEP!pictures
me n alicia in the cool lounge chatting while taking a break frm studying econs
cool rite? super chairs and nice view.. i like! =D
nice huh? so chic...
screwed prelims
monmet can for lunchwalked to mrt station to get bb teawahahanow there's a bb tea stall near home=)can was super amused when i told her abt my amazing gardenhahaand she has no fate in see catslolwent for DANCElove lovehip hop by willy first timesuper coolquite like itbryan's street jazz a bit can't catchbut i wan the song siahahadinner at ah mei's cafe sumwhere in eastpointnot bad pratatuesno soci lectbut met up with mel n aliciafirst for breakfast at KAPden studying in schoolamanda n pauline came n look for ussuper super super miss them!pauline is super funny as usualand amanda brought alot of laughter with her imitationsher school life so exciting lahaha=)miss them lots lawe studied till arnd 5 plusb4 me n mel headed off for dancealicia had db trainingdidn't go for poppingwent for locking and mtvmtv is now advanced beginnerwhootssuper coolssuper tired after ttbut i like !headed home n stonedwedhad drivingwhich was alrightsbut i like the e brake partwahahait was hilarious at stuff like my bag and wad notson the back seat spill onto the floor la... hahanice nice=)met can for late lunch at bedokborrowed books den headed to botak jones good foodwahahashe went off to tach pianoheaded hometried to studytodayhad econs n ibmwas supposed to go school early for lunchbut alicia was lateso we reached in time for classhahai brought a whole super lot of sweets lacuz sis brought home 1kg worth of sweetsgiven to her dehahaecons had testand i super blurhaisscrewed for the prelims le lamr ting was 'super' encouraging told us tt 95% will fail the prelims=Slike thanks ibm was tiringlots of brainstorming for the questionshad dinner with mel alicia & stan at clementi marketfood was alrightbut mood a little spoilt cuz met a rude vendorarghfunny train ride backcan came to find mewalking her doghahatalk a littleden went homeneed to studybut haissuper sian.....i miss the past..i miss s04..i miss band..i miss dr lee..i miss e.t. ..i miss playing the

double chocolate frm donut factory is love
trying out can's sunglasses

meji milk is the best.. great when studying =D
one: never go dance
two: got scolded by mummy so early in the day
three: can't go dinner with og
four: prelims are getting closer
a little sad can
but nvm
mag will survie
oh yep
i so do believe that life is simple for me
except for complicated frens
according to mel
no hopes + no expectations = no complications
that's the way life is for me now
and for the future
i'm not saying that i won't feel sad abt it
but i guess its ok la
mag can do without it
i think
i love my frens
and i wish all the best for them
can we please please please meet up sooooooooooooooooooooooooon?
bro's gf came to bai nian
went out for late lunch at raffles city
went to newly opened shokudo
japanese food marche style
good food
after lunch
walked arnd a little
bro n gf decided to buy donuts
much to the horror of my mum
mummy thinks its not worth the money
and not good for health
sis went off for meeting in sch
went home arnd 530
bro went off to swim at gf's place
was nagged on off throughout the day
whenever my mum thinks i'm not studying
*pulls hair*
bro bought a little stuff for dinner
mag <3
cute wooden thing to reserve table

me and sis while waiting for dessert.. i need more slp!!!

nice macha drink!

bro me mum sis

gloomy day.. dark clouds on the expressway
cny aftermath week
this cny wasn't as festivemaybe due to the looming examsand less visitingplain old no mood bamonwent to meet alicia at tmdid a little walking arndlunch at the basementchit chat abt cnyhahawalked arnd tmlooking for stuffheaded to sch earlyreached arnd 3 plus 4studied lomel came n entertain us a whilehahahahawe had dinner in schoolnight lect of soci is super sian=(could haf gone danceand tried willy's hip hop de loarghbang drove to schoolhe was nice to send us all backdid alot of thinking on how to send us all backso ended up dropping mel den cheehui me and lastly alicia!having a car rocks latuesno classstayed home the entire daydidn't go dance tooermi think i tried to studywedmet can can for breakfastwent bedokbk breakfastlib tripvcd shoppingheaded for drivingdriving was suckysuper dun like the instructorlike bo chup teach teach one3 pt turn he demo onceden keep say try myselfden nv even guide me through the 1st time lahates him=(but at least my u turns were fineheaded homestudied a littleheaded to simei for dance1st time try pop jazzi like!and also another 1st at kate's girls' hip hophahadinner with meltalk talkthurshappy valentines day!headed to schoooooooooooooooolhahadaylight lunch with alicia at megabiteshahamel came looking super sickecons lectgave out chocs to pplhahaibm lect after ttwas mostly doing questionshmmmm...spent my valentines in school!=pafter ttbought dinner for me n mummyate with herfriwas at home the entire day againnot productve today at allnot tt i'm very productive on other daysat 7pmmad rush to do eREVwhich i hate with a passioni spent 2 bloody hours trying to do it kalso helped alicia book tooso i was going mad looking at 2 com screenstalking on the phone with meland checking on wat is being said on msnmadnessfinally got settledhaisit seriously is not good for health lasatspent the day at homeAGAINhahacontinued to struggle with econsbright spot of the daysis bought snacks homesuper sweet honey milk teachippy chipstako ballsshared among the three of usloloh yes!can can is eviltempt me with online shoppingand i decided to buy this one shirt!super nicehahahahahope got stock=Dpictures
new edition to the family!
my cousin's super cute daughter
she refused to wake up no matter how everyone tried to wake her
including aunt betty posing her with weird faces n actions
the noise n the endless passing btw aunts to carry her still didn't wake her at all
lunch with dad side of family on chu si
me n daddy!
valentines day
me n mao mao
the stuff toys tt bring much amusement to the family
happy CNY!
happy lunar new year ppl!may the year be prosperous and all=)recapmonhad last stats classwas tempted to go for the earlier one so that can go for willy lessonbut as it was the last lessondecided to go the late lessonit was finemrt ride back was funnyhahareally quite fun to haf classes with ogas normalwhen for danceno more willy teachingbryan's backwas earlyso waited outsidehip hop is super cool!class was kinda small for street jazzbut still nicemus improve!!dinner with mel at ljshometueslunch with alicia bang n guan bingsuper funny when my og saw us frm outside the foodcourtlots of communication thru hand signals=)class was ok?but it was super boring during recapalmost fell asleepafter lessonsat arnd to talkdecided not to go dancecuz wanted to shophahaso after much talking with aliciaheaded off to bugischoo was supposed to meet us after c;assbut she took so long to appearlike wowmel n me walked arnd the entire ppl filled bugis junctionsaw fang fang n frensfangfang got super cool hairstreaks of purple=Dheaded to bugis village after choo n fren,weiyuan, camepacked like sardinsber came!!!!!walked arnd moremel bought stuffchoo bought stuff ber bought stuffi bought stuff toololsdinner at aijisenwanted to meet my ogbut they were leaving for home soonso i didn't goso sorry wasn't ableto make it for junyin's bdae celeebrationchoo's dad sent us to enoussuper fun in the back of the van=)took bus back frm enouswent to meet candiceand she passed me this super cute pot of flowers!super nice la=)waited for darren to return him moneycuz cannot qian over new yr?hahatalked more with cango hmwednew year's evedid alot of last min hse work cansuper tired by the time sis came back frm sch with lunchwe did sum more hse workdenwe did my nails!wahahahalove it i tell ubut super not used with long nailsreunion dinner at some korean restuarantfood was ok but it was fun talking with familyjoking n jus enjoying the companydidn't read my sms till arnd 9pmsaw tt og wanted to go see fireworks at the chun dao he panmummy ok-ed itso went to meet og at city hall mrtwhich was near the place we atemet up with hanyun.cali.ryan.eliaswalked to esplanademet up with tuixinwhen to the river side to walkmostly jus walk walk looh yesg0t smelly tofu!damn smelly laalmost diedthe fair is out to cheat money laone top gun ride is cost $10like super exwalked arnd morelooked at all the games stallskent camesuper packed everywherekinda hate it reallywent to find a good spot for thr fireworkswe got a super good view!sumhowwhile watchingsuddenly a little emohaisafter fireworksmel come tell me that bryan and more dancers from studio wu danced for one of the programmes on channel uwahdidn't get to seesad sadmade our way backtook hilarious picshahaate ice cream!decided to go airport t3but reach ther le den thot t3 no foodso detour to t2ended up in tschanyun n cali kept saying wan to eat noodlethey are super power!hahathe rest reachedoh yes darren came tooate and chatted alotabt sec sch and allhahaarnd 3 plusheaded offoh yestalked to tuixin abt tphahasuper funny tothink back the hilarious things we do=)reached home like 4 plus amtired lathurs1st day of new yrcouldn'tget uphahahahahahhaended up being the lastest to reach my grans' hsehahanice seeing all the relatives againtalked talkedwatched tvweleft arnd like 5 plus 6headed to aunt betty's hsedinner was super goodafter ttwe watched jus follow lawsuper super funnyhahatalk talklooked at pics cousins took when they went egyptnice lawatch a little more of american idolheaded home quite latefristayed home the entire day on the 2nd day of new yrhahadidn't do muchslept during the daylack of sleep baquiet dayloldinner was kfc hahadelivery is the way to gotodaywent out with canshoppingalot of laughing lacan can be so comicalended up didn't get anythingwe love mac&cheese=)wanted to meet pplbut mummy not happyso go hmsad sad=(haisgot to studybut i dun wan tokill me pls
scarecrow frm wizard of oz!! too bored in soci
my babes! eeks! how come i'm the only one with undyed hair!
ber ber!
nails! love love
me n mum after reunion dinner!
sissy! and my nails!
can who loves mac&cheese
i like my hair here! but i need a new haircut la...
flower madness
thurskinda sent mum on her way to the hospital for check upwas worried when i saw her so tired frm walkinghmmmmmecons was super funnymr ting was telling storyhahathe stock market is at its peak when it feels the bestwahahahalecturer was super duper funny=)ibm was ok?getting a little worried i can;t study finish la=(after tti rushed off to meet canwas super late in meetin herdecided on a place to eatbuteverywhere was packedso had some shopping firstdinner at cafe cartelfull to the maxmore walking arnd after ttsaw mohli!hahahome sweet homefristayed home for most part of the daydarren was kind enough to offer me a lift went to meet the og at east coastcali hanyun tuixin n edward were there alreadyryan n kent reached soon afterslacked arnd waiting for ppl to comewent to rent bicyclesdarren had to return his car to his dadafter ttwent back to mac to await arrival of pplelias finally turned uptotally dressed prepared for cyclinghad a good laugh at wad he actually packed lahaharayth cameafter more talkwe surprised him with cake!i guess he was super shocked at the presenthahathe lenghts they went at preventing him frm buying a bag was hilariousguess he was super touched when he saw wad cali made for hima calendarafter thatwe all cycled tothe hawker centrewhich was at the pther end of east coastworst thing was tt it was pouringsuper cold to cyclebut damn shuang toosuper long nv go cycling ledinner was good!headed home after dinnerthey went off night cyclingwalkin by the beach at night is jus so nicepeaceful =)love the night skycabbed homesatstayed home n stonedtodaydance was super coolreally liked the first dance!lots of super cool floor movementswahahaafter ttwas walking to mrt with mel n clarissa when it started pouringplanned to run across the road when it turn green manbut this bloody car almost banged clarissa when we were crossingwe haf right of way lo!!!>.<was super soakedheaded to city hall to find asyrafafter mel tried to collect her topshop cardwe headed for lunch at asian kitchen in city linkgood foodheaded to sengkang to help out at mel's aunt's flower shopfirst time taking lrtdamn fun!hahawe packed alot of flowersjasmine ( which smells super good) n assorted flowersdethorned roses super cool but can be painfulwrapped more flowershahawas there for quite a whilethough asyraf left half wayme n mel became so boredwe started betting on the next song going to be played by my phonewhich had only 8 songshilarious!left when they were clsingheaded hometiredi need to go shoppingpictures!
flowers n more flowers
super cute n small sunflower!
jasmine tt we packed.. a few of the many packets
LRT!!! super confusing la..

welcome to the other side of the path cancan!

yummy food frm cafe cartel!